Red Earth School Expeditions

Imagine travelling to remote Indigenous Australia to learn from Elders and Traditional Owners.

Red Earth is an organisation that welcomes Year 9, 10 and 11 students on educational immersion expeditions to remote Indigenous homelands in the beautiful Cape York Peninsula.

Over the 2022 Winter Recess, 28 students spent ten days learning from Indigenous Australians who have maintained a deep connection with their culture and history, and gather, eat and grow as the Traditional Custodians have done over the centuries.

Students learned their language, dreamtime stories and methods for gathering bush tucker, tracking wildlife, back burning, making medicines and farming.

Aside from being an amazing trip, Red Earth is also a leadership and developmental journey for the student.

Before the immersion, Elders communicated the projects that would benefit their communities. Whilst there, our students worked on upgrades to outdoor kitchens and bathrooms, to create sustainable homelands so that Traditional Custodians can live on their ancestral land.

“'It was a truly educational and eye-opening experience learning from Traditional Owners on this trip'”