High Potential Students

Let your high potential child soar with our many opportunities to nurture and expand their talents

High potential students are those whose potential exceeds that of students of the same age in one or more domains: intellectual, creative, social-emotional, and physical.

Our teachers differentiate their lessons to challenge each student with the level best suited to them. We have a Junior and a Senior School committee who collaborate to ensure high performing students are identified and differentiated catered for, in and out of the classroom.

How we engage our high potential students

We work with students and their families to identify students’ strengths and areas of interest, to maximise their engagement and provide them with real-world opportunities to solve complex problems, generate new ideas and flourish using our Deep Learning pedagogy.

In the classroom, our teachers know our High Potential students and in doing so, enrich the learning experiences for them, on an individual basis, to both engage and challenge each child to reach their full potential. In the Senior School, we also offer a High Potential stream for all mandatory curriculum classes from Years 7-10, and acceleration in single subjects, including Mathematics from Year 8, Dance from Year 9 and a compacted HSC Studies of Religion 1 course, in Year 11.

Outside the classroom, our high potential students are further supported through:

  • Inter-school and individual academic competitions such as Da Vinci Decathlon, GATEway8 Challenge, Future Problem Solving, Mathematics Olympiad, Ethics Olympiad, Tournament of Minds, Global Academic Challenge (ACER), Science and Engineering Challenge.
  • Learning Enrichment classes in Big Ideas, Critical Thinking and Genius Hour.
  • Individual mentoring and opportunities to attend off-campus enrichment excursions.
  • Recognition of achievements through school assemblies and newsletters.
  • Challenging co-curricular programs such as languages, chess, robotics, debating and STEM.

Families with High Potential Students must supply a psychometric assessment or specialist report from an educational psychologist or psychiatrist to accompany their application.

“We identify academically high potential students through a multifaceted approach.”